The worst thing about Covid-19 isn’t the virus, it’s the people!

Rico Verse
10 min readAug 8, 2022

The virus is deadly and it sucks for many reasons, but the people at the helm of leadership are the real plague.

Whether the virus came from a bat or a lab it makes very little difference at this point in time. The damage is done and the governments have got what they wanted, more fear and even more control.

There has never been a time in history where governments were able to in unison just close down their countries and lockdown it’s people, and the people just accepted it. Did the people all forget that governments lie and take actions to keep and expand their powers? Did they forget that most mainstream media is scripted(1) For a lot of us these lies have been apparent for a while now, but for the majority of the masses they simply truly believe what they say or just don’t care enough to question it.

Picture Credit: Business Insider SA

Now, it seems that governments all over the world are able to shut down their country with little to no provocation. Want to start imposing more authoritarian rule on your people? Easy, just make Covid-19 testing free and drive up the case numbers to get people scared and then say “We are doing this for your own good.” As if politicians and short-sighted “health” experts actually knew how to run a society. They treat us like lab rats. Worse, at least lab rats are taken care of until they are killed off for the greater good. People are left to fend for themselves and see their social world and small businesses crumble all for “the greater good.”

What makes this whole thing even scarier are the mandates they rolled out to remedy this whole situation. In various countries mask mandates and even vaccine mandates went into effect. Did we ever really discuss the science of healthy people wearing masks? Nope! just do it they said, it helps stop the spread. Not only did it do nothing to stop the spread, some studies show that it actually harms a person to continuously wear a mask. (2) The vaccine mandates are even worse.

Picture Credit: WBBJ 7 Eyewitness News

Never before has there been a forced mass inoculation like this one we are going through right now. You can tell me that we’ve had school immunizations and childhood vaccines for ages, it’s really only been the last few decades, but even then there were always ways to opt out. Now if one refuses to take the shot they have to jump through more regulative hoops and deal with added career or societal cost. All this has led to an internationally held idea that allows governments even more totalitarian control, vaxx passports.

Although at face value vaxx passports seem innocuous, they are driving us closer to a social credit system similar to China. (3) These passports at the moment are only meant to be used as a form of digital vaccine cards that can grant you access to certain areas or events with relative ease, but what’s stopping them from becoming more?

In the United States fully vaccinated has gone from 2 shots, to 2 shots and 1 booster. Now, they’re in talks of a 2nd booster (4), totaling 4 shots. Viruses mutate and evolve, we’ve already had multiple variants come and go. What’s to stop them from requiring even more later on? What’s also to stop them from saying “You don’t have your 8th booster, you can’t shop here anymore.”? These seem like surreal hypothetical situations, but let’s face the facts and realize that this level of demanded compliance is already here. Did we not just go through something similar recently? Are events and travel in many places made much easier for those that are vaccinated right now? There is nothing stopping them from adding more non-health related restrictions to these passes. China already rewards and punishes its population for actions they deem fit. We are slowly being driven to a society with two classes of people, the compliant and the dissenters.

Picture Credit: Yahoo News

The compliant are the people who do as they are told and don’t dare question the narrative big governments are spreading for fear of repercussions. They are told to jump and they say how high. A lot of times these people are even aware of the manipulation the government is doing and willingly go through it because it makes surviving just a little bit easier. The dissenters are a collective of independent thinkers who don’t care about the comfort of modern day society and will do what they see is best for them. They aren’t one group of people who all think alike, they simply don’t like being told what to do and don’t accept things without question. They definitely question everything and willingly take the punishment to do what they think is right. Whether you’re one who complies or someone who dissents the fact of the matter remains, the choices we are given truly do suck and it seems to be a lose lose for the population and a win win for big governments. If you have the gall to actually complain and question the narrative though, you are met with instant backlash.

Whether this backlash comes from governments, businesses or people the propaganda and fear is fierce. Have you ever tried questioning the intentions of the companies providing the vaccine? Pfizer is one of the biggest producers and the company is being lauded as heroic. It seems we all seem to have forgotten or glossed over the fact that Pfizer paid out the biggest lawsuit amount in history. A whopping $2.3 billion for illegally promoting its products and providing kickbacks. (5) This means that they have literally committed fraud, yet now they’re heroes? Nah, pass. It is generally a bad idea to trust a company who is incessant in it’s lobbying and who provides financial incentives to doctors for pushing their products for off-label reasons. If the fraud wasn’t enough, in the U.S. it is not allowed to sue vaccine manufacturers. They literally have a separate claim and court system called V.A.E.R.S. and it has to this day paid out more than $4 billion in vaccine injury claims and settlements. (6)

Let’s put aside the manufacturers and the fact that the mRna vaccine has never been tested in real life scenarios involving large segments of the population and all the side effects it is already being proven to cause, (7) what happens when we do question the narrative. In person, people often tend to fall back on regurgitated sound bites that aren’t based on anything but idealistic thinking. They never seem to argue with logic or data, just emotion and irritation. Online, we are met with a barrage of warning labels. Seriously, warning labels every time the word vaccines or covid come into the conversation. In their fight to prevent misinformation they, the big social media companies, have become arbiters of truth and are now deciding what is true or not. Sounds a lot like propaganda to me. When one side is put on a pedestal and seen as holier than thou and criticism is not allowed, it’s propaganda not science.

Picture Credit: Tech Crunch

This next level of information control has led companies like Youtube to completely demonetize you and even ban your channel completely. Facebook quite literally pushes one side and one side only, the government sanctioned side. One could even say they have become the propaganda and information control sector of the governments. Have a dissenting opinion, get shadowbanned. Say something others perceive to be misinformation, canceled. It doesn’t matter if you’re a doctor, an epidemiologist or a comedian, say something we think is “dangerous” and you are gone. If you aren’t aware this is the world we live in, you need to catch up. Beyond all these policies, governments and companies, the true evil are the effects it has caused on everyday people.

Before Covid-19 the world wasn’t perfect, but at least you had a greater sense of freedom and control of your life. Since the first videos came out of China there has been an ever increasing fear that has infected a lot of people. Afraid of this disease that seems to have all the symptoms you could ever imagine. From headaches to depression Covid-19 has been claimed to give you everything.(8) Every time someone sneezes, the first thing on many people’s minds is “OMG COVID.” While being precautious is a good thing, is it really a good thing to fear our fellow man? Fear itself leads to cortisol being released into our body, which sets off the flight or fight response and when it becomes chronic stress it can negatively affect the immune system. (9)

Every time people saw the Covid-19 death count on the news, which was later changed to case count because the deaths seemed to be going down, they got a little drip of cortisol. Every time they saw the news talk about it or saw a Covid-19 commercial, a little more fear and cortisol. Whenever you sneezed and thought you had covid, more fear and cortisol. They literally created a system of self fulfilling sickness where people always thought they were going to get sick and die. In their panic they went to get tested, just to make sure. Sometimes they got tested multiple times in that same week, just in case they did get it. To some people one negative test wasn’t enough, they wanted to make extra sure. This unhealthy sickness culture along with businesses and governments requiring testing seemed to always force people to have disease on their mind.

Picture Credit: Yahoo News

Remember when original Covid-19 hit, it was fucking brutal and lot’s of people were panicking. As soon as those numbers started going down a new variant always seemed to drop, forecasted months ahead of time. This new variant scare increased testing (10) and BOOM the local and national governments got the cases they needed to implement whatever policy they wanted. No one ever spoke to the fact that many times Covid-19 cases were asymptomatic or mild at worst. (11) The 99%+ survivability rate for the majority of the population (12) was rarely ever mentioned. As was the fact that the vast majority of these lethal and really bad cases also had 2–4 other major comorbidities (13), obesity being at the top of that list. As a society we were forced to focus only on the cases and the deaths and never on actually improving our lives and health so that we had a better chance of being prepared for any disease. This fear campaign worked so well that people are now questioning regulatory agencies like the CDC and WHO when they lowered quarantine restrictions and said lockdowns should be used only in extreme and rare circumstances.

The lunacy of the indoctrinated and fearful population doesn’t end there. When they see someone without a mask they call them selfish, ignorant and even a grandma killer. They resort to emotional logicless arguments while they themselves sit on moral high horses. Try bringing up actual data and contradictory sources and they say, you’re not a scientist. Even if you are one of the creators of the mRna vaccine with multiple patents like Dr.Robert Malone, they still label you as dangerous misinformation and try to cancel you. (14) This all comes from fear. Fear that the government and the news agencies happily give you for a fearful population is one that is easily controlled. They know people don’t worry about policies passed, the economy crashing and the freedoms lost when they are stuck in fearful survival mode.

Picture Credit: NOQ Report

Whether or not this was all a big plan by the government or cabals of elites is beside the point. In the age of information ignorance is a choice, and there are a lot of people who have chosen to remain ignorant. All hope is not lost though. Little by little the narratives are breaking and people are starting to get fed up with top down policies that affect the poor and benefit the rich. People are sick of it and it’s about time. Maybe this whole ordeal will finally remove the veil from many peoples eyes and allow them to clearly see the world for what it is, a clusterfuck of entangling conflicts of interest that only benefit very few. Only when we all finally see the truth of this world and actively work to improve it from the ground up will we finally achieve real long lasting change that benefits the smallest communities and the biggest nations.

